Van Beest G-4163 Shackle Bolt Type Green Pin Specifications

Van Beest G-4163 Shackle Bolt Type Green Pin Specifications

Instructions for use

Select the correct type and WLL of the shackle for the particular application. If extreme circumstances or shock loading may occur, this must be taken into account when selecting the correct shackle. Please note that commercial shackles are not to be used for lifting applications.

Shackles should be inspected before use to ensure that:
* all markings are legible; 

* the body and pin are both of the same brand and type; 

* the body and pin are both of the correct size; 

* never use a safety bolt type shackle without using a securing pin; 

* the pin, nut, cotter pin, or any other locking system cannot vibrate out of position; 

* the threads of the pin and the body are undamaged; 

* the body and the pin are not distorted or unduly worn; 

* the body and pin are free from nicks, gouges, cracks and corrosion; 

* shackles may not be heat treated as this may affect their WLL; 

* never modify, repair or reshape a shackle by machining, welding, heating or bending as this will affect 
the WLL.